What's Your "Authority"?

July 22, 2023

Have you looked up your Human Design Chart and are now wondering what “Authority” is?

You can find your Authority in the summary next to your chart. Look yours up for free Here!

Basically your Authority is your internal compass, it is how you were designed to make decisions in the most aligned way. Following your authority is one sure fire way to make certain that you are on the right path and making all the right decisions for you and your best life. For instance, some people are meant to make decisions instantaneously, while others are meant to sleep on it, even if it feels really exciting! The more we each follow our own unique Authority, the more successful, satisfied, peaceful, and pleasantly surprised by life we will all be as a collective.

In Human Design, You can be 1 of 7 authorities, which Authority are you?

1. Sacral Authority -

If you have Sacral Authority, you are meant to make decisions straight from your gut, what is known in our society as a “gut-instinct.” You are not meant to let other people, normative rules, should’s, or even your own mind make decisions, your “gut” can tell you in an instant if something is a “Yes” or “no” for you. If you are truly listening to your “gut” without all the other noise, your answer should be clear, pretty black or white. You might have an instant reaction to a question or an option, whether a facial expression, a “gut response” noise like an immediate “ohhhhh” or a “uh-uh.”

If you are ever having a hard time tuning in to your gut to make a decision, try having your trusted people ask you “yes or no” type questions, or give you options. For instance, instead of your people asking you “what do you want for dinner tonight?” Instead have them ask you “do you want tacos or Thai food?” It is much easier for you to tune into your “gut instinct” when all you have to decide is “yes or no” or “this or that.”

2. Emotional Authority -

If you have Emotional Authority, it is important that you give yourself time to make your decisions, even if opportunities immediately feel exciting, or repulsive. You are very connected to your emotions and need time to “ride the wave” of your emotions. You may experience lots of backs and forth, ups and downs, that is all part of your process. You need to allow yourself to feel what it would feel like to make each choice, in each direction.

Once you have allowed yourself to experience it all within your heart, and your emotions have neutralized, then you can make the decision that feels good, or sweet, in your body. Also know that this is primarily of the major life decisions, you don’t have to ride out that wave when deciding what to have for breakfast, but you should still have that good or sweet decision in your heart when you make your choice.

3. Splenic Authority -

If you have Splenic authority you can trust your intuition. This is an immediate inner voice that speaks to you quietly and just once. Your most important job is to listen to that inner knowing without letting your mind start to question or doubt it.

Its okay if something makes you feel that “nervous” excitement or like butterflies, that is your immediate instinctual knowing that this is right for you. If something feels off, icky, or unsafe (without explanation), you can trust it’s a “no.” The idea here is to not question those instincts, if you have Splenic Authority, trust those spontaneous instincts without fearful questioning or overthinking.

4. Ego-projected Authority -

If you ave Ego-Projected Authority, you are very connected to your desires and can just go for what you want. You do not need to wait for permission or approval from anyone.

You are typically strong-willed and assured in making decisions based on your deep desires. You know what’s right for you and you don’t want anyone to get in your way.

This Authority can be criticized by society as being “selfish,” but trust that you are literally designed to be “selfish.” You are designed to know within your self what is right for you and what you want, by you being “selfish” and building your big dreams, we all benefit as a whole. You can trust your desires, and you can ignore anyone who thinks “selfish” is a bad thing!

5. Mental Authority -

If you have an Mental Authority, you may feel like an outsider on this one. Mental Authority is only for 2% of the whole population. Because you make decisions totally different than any other type, it is common for others to not understand or respect your process. That’s okay! All you need to find is a few very trusted “sounding boards.” You do not need people who are going to give you advice or pressure you to do what you want them to do, what you really need is someone to just be there to listen to you while you talk it through and come to your own conclusion.

Having a trusted “Sounding Board” is so important for you because you are extremely sensitive to other people’s energy, you almost need to “bounce your ideas off of another person energy” to see how it feels when it comes back to you. You will gain clarity just by hearing yourself talk it through with another person present.

6. Self-Projected Authority -

If you have Self-Projected Authority, you are very similar to the Mental Authority in that you need to talk through your decisions, and it can be very helpful if you have a trusted “sounding board.” A great “sounding Board” is someone who can hold space for you to talk, they may ask questions (like a good therapist would) leading you to get more clarity and make the right decision for yourself. These people do not interject their opinions or biases on you, they just listen and allow you to tap in to your own identity to make the decision that is right for you

7. Lunar Authority -

If you have a lunar authority then you’re a Reflector. This is very rare, just about 1% of the population, you are extremely sensitive to energy around you, including people and space. You are even connected to the moon and can experience the full spectrum of energies based on the shifting of the moon. For major life decisions you should wait a 28 day cycle, like the moon, allowing yourself to experience the perspectives that come with the energy of each lunar phase. After the complete Lunar cycle, you should naturally feel clear on what is the right choice for you. You don’t have to do much, besides just ride it out and trust that clarity will come with the “new moon.”

If you would like an individualized report of your specific chart, I am offering those HERE!