Hey i'm kellie

• ACE Personal Trainer
• Yoga Instructor

Kellie became an ACE certified Personal Trainer & Yoga Instructor in New York City in 2006 after experiencing the profound benefits of the wellness world herself. Fitness and Yoga helped her recover from a major health crisis and she now has an insatiable urge to share her approach with as many as she can. She has made it her mission is to give back to the world what so unexpectedly saved her. While Kellie holds some traditional approaches in helping her students get strong and healthy, she also strongly believes that the mind and how you think, is key and must be conditioned to achieve optimal results.  The physical, mental, and emotional components are all essential to her regime, allowing her clients to access their own personal power. She believes the consistency, creativity, and fun you bring to your physical movement, will start to reflect in all other areas of your life as well. This approach has proven to be very successful in her clients achieving not only their fitness goals, but also excelling in other areas of their lives as they experience a mental shift towards positivity, determination, and self confidence.


Kellie’s Mission is to design fun, creative, and anti-boring yoga classes to appeal to yogis and non-yogis alike. She blends the postures and healing wisdoms of ancient yogic traditions along with modern movements of physical therapy, mobility training, Pilates, strength training, and dance, to create classes that continue to surprise and challenge you.

Kellie’s goal is to make yoga accessible, beneficial, and fun. She will have you flowing and transitioning in both traditional and non-traditional ways. You will start to explore angles and perspectives on your mat that do not show up in more traditional flows, similar to taking a trip around the world and visiting places you have never been.

These novel flows will also keep you connected to the present moment and do not allow your mind to wander. You will switch off your autopilot and stay focused and present in your body and breath in the here and now. It is similar to the difference between really paying attention to the scenery on vacation, compared to the scenery on your drive to work you have taken many times. Kellie strives to design each of her classes to offer you your own mini “yoga vacation!”

She promises to keep things fresh, and even hopes to spark your own adventurous and creative side no matter what level you are!