Wellness By Design

August 4, 2023

Have you been curious about Human Design and how it can help you live your best life? Each and everybody’s chart shows in great detail how to honor your design, honor who you were born to be, improve your overall health greatly, and therefore really thrive.

Here are a few general tips for overall wellness, depending on which “type” in Human Design you are.

If you are unsure of your type, you can look it up for free HERE

Just remember that your time and location of birth is specific, you can find your time of birth on your birth certificate (if US).

If you would like to go into greater detail about your specific chart, and specific things you can do to help reach your health and wellness goals, I am offering detailed chart reports here. With over 2 million unique charts, there is a ton of useful and practical information you can use to help you be your best self.

Wellness by “type,” Human Design can show us how we were each designed to thrive!


It is natural for you to feel bursts of energy, and then wish to retreat. Honor your body’s rhythm! You may feel bursting with energy for periods of time, days, months, or even years, and then you may feel a pull to retreat. Let go of the idea that the periods of rest are not just as beneficial as the periods of bursts and productivity; you need both to initiate, create, and build your dreams! You are here to lead from within! Listen to, and trust, those internal cues no matter what society says. Take your time to unwind at the end of each day, just get horizontal and choose any activity that allows you to unwind your energy from the day, such as reading, television, or listening to music. Wake up the next day refreshed, honoring your creative energy, whether that be up or down, and where ever it may lead you!

Manifesting Generator:

When you are staying present with yourself, multitasking, and trying out new things, you naturally have a lot of energy to burn each day, so movement is key! Use up all that energy in a way that feels fun and exciting to you whether it be walking, yoga, biking, dancing or playing hopscotch, just follow your passions and your joy! Once you have burned off all that consistent daily energy, allow yourself a little time to unwind at night before you sleep. With that energy tank depleted each day, it should feel effortless to fall asleep each night. Wake up the next day refreshed and excited to do whatever feels fun, whether it feels like a passion project or something brand new.


It is so important of you to find work that feels meaningful and lights you up. When you are following your passions, you will feel lit up and full of energy for the things you love each day. Your energy will also light up all those around you. Movement is essential for you, because you completely restore your energy reserve each night, you wake up excited to release that energy from your tank each day. Make lots of space for things that light you up, particularly the physical things; dance, run, hike, bike, skip rope, or play drums; just get it all out! Once your energy tank is on empty for the day, it should feel like you can easily fall into bed and fall asleep! Wake up refreshed, recharged and ready to do what you love all day.


As a “light energy” being, you are designed to use your energy for creativity, mind power, and mastering systems. You do best with things in smaller doses, including taking in information, work, exercise, food, environments, and people, it's all great for you, just take it all in in small doses! Being in the right environment with the right people will allow you to feel the most energized and inspired, choose wisely! Honor your body and minds’ desire to retreat and rest whenever it calls you to. Allow yourself time and space to release any stored or pent up energy each night that either isn’t yours or doesn’t require your immediate attention. You may thoroughly enjoy a little alone time each night to clear your mind; releasing any energy that isn’t yours, so that you feel light and free again. Some alone time, a guided meditation, or a favorite book or song may do wonders in clearing your mind so you can rest easy each night. Wake up refreshed and inspired to put your creativity out into the world.


It is so important for you to feel you are in a loving environment, and that you have the space and support to rest whenever you need to. You could benefit greatly from spending lots of time in nature can. You have a unique ability to sample the energy of the environment and people around you, you can almost try it on and then reflect it back out through you. If you are in the right environment, with the right people, this will feel amazing. Sampling so many different people’s energies and trying them on yourself will allow you to become extremely compassionate and wise about justice and humanity. You will be the one who will know what it will take to create a thriving community, You will be the wise sage who can get us all there. Honor that it can be a lot of energy and pressure for you to experience each day, ensure that you give yourself time to clear all that energy from your system before bed. Learn to recognize what is your energy to keep and what is energy you just needed to sample to gain wisdom from, but no longer need in your body; let it go! Wake up refreshed, without pressure to rush through life or rush through making decisions. You operate differently than most, and that is your superpower!