Empower your Children

June 8, 2024

One of the main reason I love Human design is because it shows us that we are all supposed to be unique and different. In many ways, human design gives us all permission to be our true selves, the one we know we are meant to be deep down.

Unfortunately we live in a world of homogenization. We are all told to act a certain way, to go to the same schools, to learn the same curriculum, to be on the same schedule, to follow the same rules, to dress in the same clothes, to eat the same food, to follow the same “morning routine,” to do the same workouts, to drive the same cars, the live in the same houses, to seek out the same successes, and to avoid “failures” at all costs.

It isn’t our fault by any means, we are all conditioned to behave and look a certain way. It is a survival instinct to want to fit in to the group, to want our children to fit into the group. We all seek out safety and protection; we avoid being exiled, abandoned, and left behind at all costs.

However, the beauty of a true ecosystem is individuality and creativity. We are designed to have unique roles that all serve the greater good to form a highly functioning and healthy system. We are not all meant to sit in grey cubicles and live in cookie cutter homes with no real sense of community or identity. Instead, we are meant to have creative expression and unique contributions to society as a whole. We should feel freedom to explore and express who we are without feeling like we have to put ourself into the neat little box that society has laid out for us.

Most importantly, I think it is time to start giving our children permission to be who they are, to express themselves with freedom and originality. To empower our children to live in a way that is in alignment with who they are designed to be. When we ask our children to fit into that neat little box, we are often asking them to put on a mask, to turn off who they really are, to go against their true nature; and that can be exhausting for anyone, especially a little one.

I love using human design by looking at the Profile (or personality) of all the little ones in my life, I use that to encourage them to live an authentic and empowered life. The profile consists of 2 numbers that make up your personality, for instance you could be a 1/4 or a 6/2 or a 3/5. There are 12 different possible combinations or personality types and each number represents something unique about how you are meant to use your energy in this world.

To learn your child's Human Design Profile click HERE

The 12 profiles are:

  • 1/3 The Expert Action Taker
  • 1/4 The Investigating Teacher
  • 2/4 The Introverted Extrovert
  • 2/5 The Introverted Hero
  • 3/5 The Action Hero
  • 3/6 The Exploring Role Model
  • 4/6 The Extroverted Role Model
  • 5/1 The Challenge Solver
  • 5/2 The Heroic Introvert
  • 6/2 The Role Model Hermit
  • 6/3 The Responsible Adventurer

I will break down what you should keep in mind based on each number the child has in their profile. For instance if the child is a 6/2, keep in mind the 6 line (the first number will be their strongest personality trait in their own consciousness, and what they most relate to) and the 2 line (this will most likely be in their unconsciousness, you may see personality within them, but it may be harder for them to see or identify with, within themselves).

Children With 1 lines: This child needs plenty of time to study, research, and prepare. They may feel insecure in trying something for the first time, they need to feel a solid foundation of how things work and what to expect before they find stability.

These are also the children that ask a lot of questions. Perfect! They’re living in alignment with the natural curiosity of their design.

Children With 2 lines: This child craves time alone in a safe safe to explore their natural talents and inclinations. They crave to be called upon to share their natural talents and unique perspectives once they have had ample time alone to delight in their own worlds. They may seem a little shy, but they’re here to gift the world with their genius.

Children With 3 lines: This child needs adventure and experiences. They need trial and error, they need to be allowed to make mistakes, and instead of focusing on the mistake, they need to realize what they learned from the experience. They need not to be punished, judged, or criticized for making a mistake, and instead they need to be celebrated for their resilience and hands-on learning approach.

Children With 4 lines: These children crave connections, friendships, and a strong network of people with whom they can receive opportunities and share their knowledge. Sports teams, theatre groups, camps, and other social circles are especially important for these children to develop their sense of community. But, they may need to experiment to find the right group for them and they may need extra parental support if they are betrayed or ostracized by another.

Children With 5 lines: While all children are sensitive, 5th line children are especially sensitive. Children with 5 lines are often seen by others as perfect, the little heroes, the superstars, the little helpers; they are often very practical and good with strangers. These children can often sense that others tend to project these very high expectations on to them, they can worry that they won't live up to the standards others have placed on them. It is important that you allow them to show you their real self, that they are allowed to not be perfect, and to have unique interests without having higher standards than the rest of us.

Children With 6 lines: These are the little angels on earth, they are bound to be the extremely wise role models within society. However line 6 children have to go through a unique 3 phase trajectory. For the first 30 years of their life they will go through a period of trial and error. They will make lots of mistakes and go through many trials and tribulations. It is important that they are not criticized or stifled, this is an important phase of their process. From ages 30 to 50 they will become much more introspective, they will reflect on their experiences and really develop their wisdom. At age 50 they will emerge as the wise sages on earth. They will be almost otherworldly creatures who have an impressive amount of wisdom to share.

And of course there are so many other variables within everyone’s human design chart that effect how we show up and use our energy in the world. If you would like a more specific reading of your or your child’s human Design Chart, I would be happy to help you explore deeper.

For an in depth reading, click HERE