HD: My Inner Child

July 15, 2023

Are you curious about Human Design but not really sure what it is or how to use it? Human Design can be such a powerful tool for improving your mental and physical health, and feeling more in flow with life. Human Design honestly offers countless tools and resources for learning more about yourself, and coming to accept and love who you are and what you are here to do in this world.

One way I love using Human Design is to think about healing our Inner Child wounds from any conditioning we may have received as children (if you’re a human, you’ve been conditioned in some way, shape, or form!). Most children start off pretty authentic and honest, however, somewhere along the line we we're all somehow made to believe that we need to conform in order to fit in, be liked, or be “good,” and so we adapt and move further away from our true nature...that is conditioning. This conditioning and departure from our true nature, is usually the source of stress, anxiety, depression, or that overall feeling of just not feeling in "flow" with life.

Inner Child work is going inside ourselves, to explore our true feelings and parts of ourselves that may have been rejected and labeled as "inappropriate" or "too much" by others. By allowing ourselves this time and space to understand our inner child, we begin letting go of our mindless coping mechanisms as an adult (ex. being avoidant, numbing of our feelings, not speaking up, conforming, etc.) and are able to fully integrate our true nature with how we actually show up in the world.

Using your Human Design Type, or your child’s, (look it up for free here) I invite you to sit with this love letter to your younger self, maybe even while looking at a picture of your younger self. Reflect on how it feels, notice what comes up for you, journal about it, and feel free to add or edit your love letter as needed for your own unique inner child.

Love Letters to My Inner Child:

Dear Generator Child,

You may think it’s your job and your job alone, to be the perfect child to your parents, your teachers, and your friends; but please remember life is not meant to be lived at the will of others. You don’t have to do it all by yourself. You have such a big heart and a ton of energy for doing the things you love, you may end up feeling used or taken for granted. Please remember your happiness matters too, you should focus on using your energy to do the things that you love doing. Its also okay to skip out on doing things that feel draining or boring to you, you will not be any less lovable.

Dear Manifesting Generator Child,

You are allowed to have all the fun, all the time! You can focus on what feels exciting, and don't believe anyone who tells you that's selfish. You’re allowed to make your own rules, do what you love, and look a little wild while you’re doing it. When an adult convinces you life is serious, don’t believe them. Also, try not to internalize any criticism about jumping from one thing to the next, it's okay for you to try many different things, keep what you love and forget about the rest. By doing lots of different fun things, you are gifting the world with your joy, and the world needs that!

Dear Projector Child,

You are not weak, you are not too sensitive, and you’re not too shy. You are unique, your soul is a little different than everyone els’s, you are not meant to conform. You have the gift of seeing things others can’t, you absorb the energy around you so you can literally feel in your body what needs to change and how to change it. That can feel heavy for a child, you don’t have to carry around anything that isn’t yours. You feel as though you don’t fit in, or no-one listens to you or sees you, but that will pass. Your gifts allow you to become extremely wise and compassionate and you will make a great leader, guide, or teacher one day.

Dear Reflector Child,

Do you even know how special you are? You are an incredible gift to everyone around you. You show us all the state of the environment by reflecting it back to us. If you're down, its because someone around you is down, if your happy, its because your in a happy environment. You feel the energy of the environment you're in so deeply, sometimes it can be confusing, what is yours to sort out and what is everyone else's. Take your time with decisions to know if they are right for you, dont let anyone rush you into making choices. You may even need a whole month to sort out your true feeling from everyone else's in order to decide what is truly right for you. Please hold on to your light, trust your intuition, speak up if something doesn’t feel right, and always choose people and spaces that honor your light.

Dear Manifestor Child,

Life is a little confusing right now, You’re trying to fit a really big spirit into a little package. On one hand you feel so powerful, on the other hand you’re just a kid, so you may feel limited and confined from doing all the things you want to do. Allow yourself to be big and bold and don’t worry about the people who don’t like it. You’re a born leader, you are here to initiate newness into our world and it can be confusing when you notice others don’t operate in the same way you do. Please understand that not everyone is meant to be your friend, the people who see your power and appreciate your gifts will be drawn to you naturally. Those who can't see your gifts are just simply not meant for you and that is okay. Honor your process and take time alone to connect with your dreams, visions and power!

If you would like to learn more detail about your unique Human Design Chart (or your Child's), I offer a detailed and personalized Human Design Report to help you decode and understand your chart better here.