Healing Your Relationship with Food

October 10, 2020

If you are seeking a better relationship with food, eating, and your health, this technique is worth considering. I came up with this idea when I first began eating meat again after being a vegan for 12 years.


Although I loved the idea of being a vegan and not eating animal products, I had become sick and deficient and just didn’t feel my best. I was never full, but bloated all the time. I had zero energy and could not see muscle tone or definition no matter what I did. I developed food allergies to gluten, soy, cashews and peanuts; all the foods I was eating in excess as a vegan. I wasn’t sure how I was going to nourish myself, have energy, and stay true to my desire to be vegan.


I saw specialists, dietitians, naturopaths, and even a reiki master, the resounding recommendation was to incorporate animal products into my diet. I resisted, that’s probably why I saw so many different specialists, I was waiting for just one of them to give me a different solution. But ultimately, I decided I wanted to feel better, have energy, and be able to give more to the world. I couldn’t do those things unless I was truly nourished.


I had so much trouble getting that first bite down, I couldn’t resolve that animal dying so that I could eat. Right then and there I decided to make a promise to that animal that I was eating, I promised that I would use the energy it was giving me to turn around and do good in the world. I promised that it would not die in vain. Its energy would be transmitted to me and I would use it to put good energy back into the world.


As someone who has struggled with my relationship with food and eating and body image and starving myself and over eating and mindfulness at mealtime, this idea really began to resonate with me. Eventually I began to make a promise to all my food and drink I consumed.

Before every meal, I recite:

“This is a gift of the whole universe. May I be worthy of receiving it. May I use the energy it gives me to do good. And may a string of gratitude extend from my heart and connect me to all those who made it possible for me to receive this nourishment today. “  


Then I take a moment to literally envision that string connected from my heart, to the heart of the grocer, to the heart of the truck driver, to the heart of the farmer, to the heart of the animal, to the land, to the soil, to the water and on and on. I feel the connection. I feel the gratitude for all those who made it possible for me to be nourished and I commit myself to using the energy the food will give me to do something positive in return.


I feel this has made me a more mindful eater in general. I make better choices, with the constant reminder that I am eating for the purposes of having energy to give back and do good. While I would say I still eat 80% plant based, when I do consume meat and animal products, I choose the highest quality, most humane, and never take more than what I need to feel my best.


This is not to encourage you to eat meat or give up being vegan, I just want you to do what makes you feel your best. So whether you are vegan, vegetarian, plant-based, carnivore, or anything else, I encourage you to come up with a promise to your food that is all your own (or use mine if you like it), maybe even keep it on a little piece of paper to keep with you in your wallet or post on your fridge. It will be important to remember this promise at each meal and each drink- just remember, before you eat anything…PAUSE!!  Send some positive energy into your choices and then enjoy your food or drink as usual.  


You may eventually notice a better relationship to your food choices; why you are eating, how much you are eating, and when you are eating. You may become more mindful and intentional around food, you may even find more happiness around how you are expelling your energy each day. Actively choosing to put your energy to good use. You may develop a better relationship with your body, nourishing it for the sake of being strong and energetic so you can serve. When you start to realize your daily food is a gift, you will see your output can be the “thank you.”
