Exercise by Human Design

August 20, 2023

How To Best Approach Movement and Exercise Based on Your Unique Human Design Chart?

Human Design can teach us a ton about how we were designed and how we can best use our energy. There are so many different ideas out there about which exercise program is the “best,” is it CrossFit, HITT, Soulcycle, Yoga, weight lifting, Pilates, or whatever else new “it” workout there is out there?? Well, the truth is, it depends! It Depends on you and how you were designed. There is not one superior way of moving our bodies that would ever lead to optimal health for everyone because we are all so different.

We can use our Human Design chart to help us decide what is optimal for us. We don’t have to feel pressure to do what everyone else is doing, because we are not everyone else. For example, you may not need the broad, generic advice to walk 10K steps a day, maybe for you that actually works against you?? You may absolutely LOVE HITT workouts and feel amazing doing them, or it may actually lead to worse overall health. You could be someone who thrives on your daily runs, or you may realize you actually become inflamed, burnt out, and bitter if you force yourself to go for a run everyday. Maybe you’re a person who thrives on walking in nature, especially when you stop to smell the roses. The point is, we often force ourselves to do something because we have been led to believe that is what is good for us or that’s what we “should” do, but the prescription for exercise is specific to you and you should never feel pressure to conform to the masses.

First, we will look at the correct movement for you based on your Energy Type:

find your energy type by entering your exact birth date, time and location here!!

Are you a Generator?

You are equipped with the equivalent of an energy battery! This battery is recharged through play, pleasure, joy, and anything else that lights you up. It is so important that you choose movement that truly lights you up, if you hate running, do not force yourself to run even more, instead choose another equally challenging form of exercise, but something that feels fun!

For you, exercise will mainly prevent tension build-up in your system and therefore help you feel happier about life in general. Workouts that challenge your stamina will make you THRIVE! You may find it hard to sleep at night unless you’ve released all your energy during the day, so if you’re lying in bed at night wide awake, try taking your workouts up a notch!

Are you a Manifesting Generator?

Like the Generator, you are equipped with an “energy battery,” you really thrive if you can burn through all that energy everyday with lots of movement that lights you up. As a manifesting Generator however, it is important that you allow yourself to change it up! Your movement should always feel like play. So, if you are doing something that feels super fun, say rock climbing for 6 months, and suddenly it starts to feel like a chore, it’s important that you allow yourself the freedom to experiment with something new, maybe it’s salsa dancing or power yoga or Crossfit, switch it up and chase the fun!

You may benefit form asking yourself ‘what makes your body feel expansive vs constrictive?’ and then do that. When that feeling goes away, give yourself the permission to do something else.

Are you a Projector?

You are an energy sensitive type, meaning that you do not have a ton of energy coming form within, but you are very sensitive to the energy of others around you. Recognize that the most important role of exercise for you is to help you release all the energies you’ve picked up from the world around you each day. So daily movement is good for you, but that movement should be lighter, more restorative and gentle. Yoga, pilates, nature walks, and breath work are all great options for you.

Remind yourself that you can NOT afford to overdo it, even if it makes you feel light and alive in the moment (which you love), you may deplete your energy system in the long term. Go at 80% max of what you think you can manage on any given day. Remember to FEEL and UNDERSTAND what you’re doing, as you’re doing it, you literally absorb the positive benefits of the movement. So, It’s great if you can stay present with what you are absorbing and what you are releasing. So go for those long walks, but always stop to smell the roses!

Are you a Manifestor?

Trust that you are not meant to be consistent. Sometimes you’ll be into high intensity workouts and sometimes you’ll need deep rest. Don’t impose a fixed schedule on yourself, it’s important that you see the periods of deep rest as just as important for your health as the intense workouts. You will feel bursts of energy and lulls in energy, so it’s important to check in with your energy every day and honor what your body is telling you instead of trying to force yourself to stick to a “plan” because that’s what society says is best.

You may also find that you benefit from speaking out loud to yourself and your people your intentions with your workouts. You may simply say “I’m going to go for a run and it’s going to feel great!” Or you may say out loud “I’m going to rest today and it’s going to help me feel more  creative.” It’s important that you feel you do not need anyone’s permission to do what feels right for you, you are in charge of your health and can make those declarations on your own.

Are you a Reflector?

Your energetic stores are forever changing and depend greatly on your environment and your people. Give yourself permission to be “sensitive” and to be “inconsistent.” These qualities may be rejected by the masses, but they are your super power! Use your sensitivity to the environment and to people to put yourself in the safest, most empowering spaces possible. If a particular gym or fitness instructor feels off to you, make a change! It doesn’t matter if it’s the “best” gym in town, or everyone’s “favorite instructor,” you can just sense what’s right for you and you can trust that! Also, your energy is constantly changing, you are not meant to be consistent, give yourself permission to rest and recharge when you need it. Recovery is equally as beneficial for your optimal health as the movement is.

You, like the projector, are also an energy sensitive being, meaning most of your energy comes from what you absorb from others and not necessarily from within. You should be careful not to overexert yourself trying to keep up with the masses, you do best with lighter exercise with the right people and in the right environment. Yoga, pilates, nature walks and breath work are all amazing options for you.

Second, let’s take a look at your Variables:

The variables are the 4 arrows that surround the head in your body graph chart. For the intent of determining what's best for you in terms of exercise, we will look at the the bottom left arrow. Take note of the direction the arrow if pointing. For instance, the bottom left arrow in this chart is left facing.

Is your bottom left arrow Left Facing?

Then you may find you do really well with routine and consistency. For instance, you may wake up each day at 6 am to go for a run, a workout class, a walk, or do yoga. It is helpful of you to stick to plans and have that plan generally look the same day to day or week to week.

Is your bottom left arrow Right facing?

Then you have more passive, go-with-the-flow type energy. You are not best suited for forcing rigidity or routines, you should check in with how your energy feels and base your movement decisions off of that rather than trying to force a daily routine or schedule.

Curious to learn more about your specific Human Design Chart and how it can improve your life and well being? I am offering Individualized Human Design Reports Here!!