Empower Your Design

July 5, 2023

Have you heard of Human Design? imagine being born and your parents receiving a users manual that is specific to you! Imagine being able to be yourself and never feeling pressure to keep up or fit in. Throughout life, we’re exposed to external influences (from parents, peers, school, society, etc) that tell us to be different than who we truly are, this leads to becoming conditioned out of our true nature. The journey to becoming your “Higher Self” is not about becoming perfect, instead, it’s about allowing yourself to have a gentle unbecoming into who you’ve been, deep down, all along.

WARNING: Learning about your Human Design could cause you to live fully and embrace your uniqueness! Are you ready to live your truest form? Let’s get started.

Human Design maps out a a unique bodygraph chart for each unique person. It explains who you were literally designed to be, and how you can best operate within this world in order to feel happy, healthy, satisfied, successful, peaceful, and surprised by all of life's great gifts!

In Human Design, there are 4 or 5 different "types" of people (folks differ on their opinion of this) for the sake of this post, we're going to break it down into five types, they are:

  1. Manifestors - 10% of the population - They initiate the action then pull back and let other people pick up where they left off.
  2. Generators - 30% of the population, - They work hard and move things forward with their get-up-and-go energy.
  3. Manifesting Generators - 37% of the population - They are also hard workers, however they typically use their energy to jump from one thing to the next. They are often considered the "jacks-of-all-trades."
  4. Projectors - 20% of the population - They are here to guide us and give wisdom. They are key in directing others as to how to use their energy efficiently.
  5. Reflectors - 1% of the population - They are the rarest human design type and tend to be open and enveloping, possessing great discernment due to their understanding and healing of others. They often serve as mirrors reflecting back what is happening in their environment.

within these 5 types, there are literally billions of variables that make you, YOU!

Human Design is an amazing tool for understanding yourself and all your people better.                                      I'm here to help you Decode your chart and integrate Human Design chart!

Much like astrological birth charts, Human Design is a system based on your exact time, date, and place of birth. However, unlike the zodiac signs, Human Design is more like a blueprint, or a user's manual, that was created the moment you were born to reveal exactly who you were designed to be, your role in society, and your unique innate nature.

Human Design offers a bodygraph chart, like the one seen here, indicating how you are unique as a person. It reveals the gifts you bring into this world, as well as your vulnerabilities. It tells you how you can best use your energy to help reach your maximum potential in health, wellness, relationships, families, teams, careers, and so on!

While it may sound nuts, when you have your chart read, you may be surprised by how much it sounds like you!

Your Human Design chart may feel like a complex concept to decode, in fact, it stems from multiple different disciplines from both the ancient and modern worlds. It includes Kabbalah, I'Ching, Myers-Briggs, astrology, biochemistry, genetics, and the chakra system: they are all mapped out in one comprehensive chart to determine each human’s unique design.

Yet, Human Design is actually a quite simple and holistic system to put into practice. Most people feel empowered and encouraged to learn that Human Design is really about how we are each unique and have these unique gifts we were literally designed to share with the rest of the world. We can let go of conditioning from our childhoods, and society in general, and live more aligned with who we were meant to be, and that is were the magic happens!

What makes YOU unique from everyone else?

Human Design seeks to answer precisely this question. It offers profound insights that will help you understand and appreciate yourself better, make the best choices for you, use your energy efficiently and effectively, and ultimately, lead you towards a better and more fulfilled life. Essentially, you living fully in accordance with your original blueprint is really the key to ultimate health and wellness. It is when we go against our blueprint, trying to conform or adapt to our environments that we end up burnt out, weak, tired, unhappy, unhealthy, and sometimes downright sick with disease or other chronic conditions.

You will need to know the exact time of birth!! If you have a U.S. Birth Certificate, it can be found right on there. If you haven’t seen your unique chart, enter your info HERE  .

You can purchase your in-depth customized Human Design Report - in 7-10 days you will receive a comprehensive guide to your unique human design chart. Think of it as your own personal owner's manual! I will help you decode your chart, break down what it all means, and share with you how to best use your blueprint to live in alignment with who you are meant to be.

view and download your free chart HERE